Orff: Carmina Burana, "Dulcissime" 

May 2023

Mozart: Great Mass in C minor, K.427, "Et incarnatus est"

October 2022

Mozart: The Magic Flute, Act 1, Queen of the Night: "O zittre nicht... Zum Leiden bin ich auserkoren"

September 2022

Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245, No.35 "Zerfließe, mein Herze"

October 2022

Donizetti: Linda di Chamounix, Linda, "Ah! tardai troppo... O luce di quest'anima"

September 2022

Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op.70, No. 21: "Höre Israel"

October 2022

Bellini: La Sonnambula, Amina, "Ah! non giunge"

August 2020

Just for fun! (Recording from the isolation time.)

Gounod: Romeo et Juliette, Juliette "Ah! Je veux vivre"

June 2020